
Welcome to $AliBaba

Your ticket to the memecoin revolution. No marketing budget, no problem! We're poor, but we have memes.

$AliBaba Logo

Contract Address


Once upon a time, in a faraway crypto land, there was a developer who couldn't afford his own coin. That's right, $AliBaba was broke. No funds for marketing, not even for a decent cup of tea. This is the era of Poor $AliBaba, relying on the generosity and humor of the community to spread the word. So, join us, buy some coins, and let's make $AliBaba rich (or at least afford some ramen)!

Donation Wallet


What makes $AliBaba special? Well, aside from our lack of funds, we have a great sense of humor and a community-driven spirit. Use it wherever memes are appreciated!


Our future plans? To infinity and beyond... once we can afford a proper rocket. For now, let's focus on growing our community and having fun. Remember, the only way is up (unless the market crashes, then we just laugh it off).

Our Rules

  1. First rule: Buy and hold.
  2. Second rule: Promote and communicate.
  3. Third rule: Return to the first rule.
